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Full speech of His Majesty the King at the opening of the first session of the 4th legislative year of the 9th Parliament

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PERSISMA, Rabat – HM King Mohammed VI delivered on Friday in Rabat, a major speech on the occasion of the opening of the first session of the 4th legislative year of the 9th Parliament. Here is the full text:

Praise be to God Peace and salvation be upon the Prophet, His Kith and Kin.

Dear Honourable Members,

Legislative year we are opening today is in a particular context. It takes two years of the end of the current legislature, the deadline set by the Constitution for the adoption of all the organic laws. This is also the year of completion of the political and institutional construction which strengthens the economic and social gains that Morocco has made in various fields, and I mentioned in my speech from the throne and that of 20 August.

As I have said before, we know who we are and where we are going. Similarly, we know our potential and are aware of the difficulties and challenges faced.

Morocco has reached today, thank God, a remarkable level in the march towards progress. Now the vision is clear, the institutions are strong in their respective jurisdictions under the rule of law.

It is a source of pride for all of us. Moroccans, wherever they are, individually and collectively, are entitled to be proud of belonging to this country of ours.

As Moroccan, who is feeling me dearest in life, c ‘ is one to be proud of my Moroccan.

It is up to you as to express your patriotic pride. You must illustrate concretely every day and every moment, in your work, in your relationships, in your speech, in your homes and in the exercise of your responsibilities.

A man who does not understand the meaning of love of country, and do not give thanks to God for what this country has given him, I say, follow what is happening in many countries of the region. There are so many lessons to be learned if we are willing to stop there. Meanwhile, Morocco continues calmly and confidently his march to join the group of emerging countries.

This pride of belonging to Morocco, it is a sincere patriotic sentiment that every Moroccan should experience.

It’s a feeling that does not sell, do not buy and do not grow on trees either. Rather it is a noble feeling which springs from the heart and feeds a good introduction to the values ​​of patriotism and virtues of ethics and morality. It’s a feeling that grows with the citizen’s faith deepens and strengthens its commitment to the country.

But pride means neither withdrawal nor condescension toward each other. For Moroccans are known to be open and positive interaction with different peoples and civilizations.

But the strengthening and preservation of this sensation require much effort and sustained actions. As it is to ensure the conditions for a dignified life for all citizens and allow them the full enjoyment of the rights of citizenship; on condition that they also assume the duties attached to them.

Here I address you, ladies and gentlemen politicians, saying you are responsible first and foremost to preserve and even strengthen this pride. It is your responsibility to do so, strengthen public confidence in administrative institutions and elected institutions, and in supporting their credibility and effectiveness, so that the citizens feel that they are actually in his service.

To all the people I say: you are the source and the purpose of that pride, and the country only exists by and for you. So it is your responsibility to demonstrate, by getting involved in all areas of national action, including voting in elections. For, indeed, the vote is seen as both a right and a national duty for choosing the persons to manage public affairs.

Dear Honourable Members,

Our country enjoys consideration, respect, trust and credibility, regional and international levels. We have, moreover, a positive image among peoples of the world.

But let us all there, however, the parties who are jealous of Morocco for his political career, his march towards development knowledge, its security, stability and its historical and civilizational capital. They are envious of pride that drives Moroccans towards their homeland.

It comes me to mind the words of my Grandfather, the Prophet Mohammed Sidna -Paix and salvation upon him – “that God multiplies that jealous envy.” For, indeed, the proliferation of envious means the multiplication of achievements and resources. However, one who has nothing has nothing to be jealous.

But despite the machinations of envious, we remain committed to the respect of the exercise of rights and freedoms. Meanwhile, the induced citizenship, among other duties, the commitment to respect the institutions of the state whose protection is the responsibility of the competent governmental or judicial authorities, institutions of human rights and regulatory bodies and governance, each as far as it is concerned.

We are not against freedom of expression and constructive criticism, but against nihilism and denial of the Fatherland. Because Morocco will always be the country of freedoms, which are guaranteed by the Constitution.

In addition, Morocco needs all his son, of all active and influential forces, especially NGOs civil society, including We continue to encourage serious initiatives, given their positive role as a counter power and force proposal contributes to constructive criticism and balance of powers.

Dear Honourable Members,

The current legislative year is a crucial year in the political process of our country, considering the terms therein.

I would like to emphasize here that the democratic choice, which is by all Moroccans is a constant and irreversible choice, which we are committed to continuing consolidation.

But the question that is today strongly is this: are there any accompaniment has this progress on the part of all political actors at the discourse and practice?

Political speech control sincerity to the citizen, objectivity in analysis and respect between all stakeholders, so that they are all in the service of the Motherland and not political actors, divided by their narrow interests.

However, the observer of national politics in general, and particularly parliamentary, notes that the political discourse is not always hoisted at the aspirations of citizens, precisely because it is strongly anchored in partisan calculations or politicians.

If it is the right of any political party or any member thinking about his political future and gain the trust of voters, this should not be at the expense of major national causes and the real concerns of citizens.

As for the practice of political thing, it should be based, in particular, the ongoing search for interactive proximity to the citizen. It also induces the need to subject themselves to the laws and rules of professional conduct, contrary to the actions and behavior of some elected officials that are harmful to themselves, to their parties and their country, and to the political action in the best sense of the term.

This implies that a truly ethical charter for political action to be adopted in general, not just certain sections provided in the bylaws of both Houses of Parliament.

Furthermore, it requires above all to look with the necessary seriousness on national priorities, while availing the positive spirit of consensus, particularly in the adoption of organic laws on constitutional institutions and major reforms.

In this context, priority should be given to the adoption of texts relating to the reform of the judiciary, especially those concerning the establishment of the Higher Council of the Judiciary and the approval of the Statute of Judges.

Indeed, justice is the principle guarantor of the safety and security of citizens and the protection of their property. It is also the cornerstone of judicial security, seen as a catalyst for development and investment.

With regard to constitutional justice, we will proceed shortly, by the grace of God, to the installation of the Constitutional Court, with a wide scope. In this regard, we call on both Houses of Parliament to demonstrate responsibility and patriotism within the criteria of expertise, competence and integrity in the selection of members of the Council that they are entitled to elect under of the Constitution.

It is also important to complete in accordance with the new provisions, the establishment of institutions of participatory democracy and good governance. In this regard, we call on the Government and Parliament to make greater advice and expertise of such institutions.

As you know, this year is teeming with important deadlines, with, first and foremost, the introduction of advanced regionalization.

At least one year of local and regional elections, I address all political actors:

What elites and what programs did you prepared for the management of public affairs?

The biggest challenge facing the Morocco today is not just about the division of powers between the Centre, the regions and local authorities. Rather, it focuses on the proper exercise of those powers and the need for them to serve the citizen.

Accordingly, the next election should not be an end in itself. Rather they must be a space for political competition between programs and the elite, not an arena deliver bids and political battles.

We believe that there is not a winner and a loser in the electoral battle, because everyone is a winner. In fact, the big winner is the Morocco because even those who do not win the confidence of the majority of citizens, contributing their participation to strengthen the vitality of the elected institutions.

They should also form the constructive Opposition and propose realistic alternatives allowing them to ensure the alternation in the management of public affairs.

The loser, meanwhile, is played by those who believe that their seats are an annuity or acquired legacy ad infinitum. So much so that when they do not win elections, they claim they are rigged. But when they win, they are silent, taking advantage of the regularity of elections to go to the management of public affairs.

It is true that the elections, as is the case in all countries, are experiencing some abuse, on which a decision is up to the Justice and the Constitutional Council, which has decided to cancel some seats in the last election.

So we call on everyone to prepare these deadlines and demonstrate a sincere patriotism respecting the will of the voters.

You know what is required of you having to constantly defend territorial integrity.

In this regard, we welcome the sincere efforts you make in the context of parliamentary and partisan diplomacy. And it is my duty, as King, to report malfunctions and ensure correct, it is also up to me to give everyone his due.

Since the speech that I gave to you last year, MPs have made considerable efforts, particularly to deal with attempts to exploit the issue of human rights in our southern provinces, and during negotiations with the European Union on fisheries agreement.

We urge you, therefore, to remain alert and vigilant to thwart opponents of Morocco.

Dear Honourable Members,

We believe that human capital is our most valuable asset in our economic, social achievements, political and human rights of man. This is our weapon to meet the challenges of developing and integrating the knowledge society and communication.

Also, We have consistently attached the greatest importance to the training and qualification of a proud citizen of identity and open universal values, including through further reform of the education system and training.

Within this framework, we call the Board of Education, Training and Scientific Research to reconsider the vision and content Reform and the approaches in this area, particularly in addressing the substantive issues that we identified in the speech of 20 August last year.

We specifically include the search for a solution to the problem of teaching languages, surpassing ideological differences that impede reform and the adoption of programs and curricula adapted to the requirements of development and the labor market.

should also attach due attention to vocational training and proficiency in foreign languages ​​to enable the winners to be attuned to technical progress and to integrate the new businesses in Morocco.

We are hopeful to see the work done by the Council for assessment Charter of Education and Training, the broad national dialogue and regional meetings culminated in the formulation of specific recommendations to reform the Moroccan school and increase performance.

From the perspective of the development by the Board of a clear roadmap, relevant departments should continue their reform programs, without interruption or delay.

Finally, we would like to take the opportunity of the celebration of National Women’s Day, celebrated on October 10, which coincides with the date on which we announced in 2003, the Family Code, to express our esteem for the Moroccan women, wherever they are, and regardless of the different positions and it occupies in all categories in which it is issue, both inside and outside of Morocco, and in recognition of his efficient development of the country contest.

Dear Honourable Members,

You raise a critical legislative year, whether the completion of the establishment of institutions, the implementation of advanced regionalization or reform of the education system and training.

ye therefore, may God keep you up to these deadlines and set a good example by deed and word, the proud citizen membership of its homeland.

“Keep your commitments because men will asked about their commitments.” True is the word of God.

Wassalamou alaikoum warahmatoullahi wabarakatouh.

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