HM the King receives phone call from President Obama

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PERSISMA, Rabat (9/5) – HM King Mohammed VI received this Thursday a phone call from US president Barack Obama, the Royal office announced. It had been agreed to hold this important phone call recently following an exchange of letters between the two heads of state, the Royal office release says.


Indeed, HM King Mohammed VI had sent on April 12, 2013 to President Obama a letter underlining the importance of the Moroccan Sahara issue for the Kingdom of Morocco and the risks that would be entailed by any alteration in the mandate of the UN Sahara mission (MINURSO).

President Obama sent to the sovereign a reply on April 18, 2013, the release recalls.

During the phone call, the two heads of state hailed the positive results reached thanks to the exchange of letters, the release notes, adding that HM the King thanked President Obama for his personal and efficient involvement and for the clear instructions he issued in this regard to his administration, giving proof, by the same token, of his attachment to the excellence of relations with Morocco.

The US president paid tribute to the considerable progress and reforms spearheaded by HM the King and that make of Morocco a model for the entire region.

The sovereign and the US president also agreed to intensify political consultation and to hold, to this end, personal and direct contacts on a regular basis.

The two heads of state further decided to reinforce the already longstanding and deep bilateral relations, particularly in the frame of strategic dialogue initiated in 2012 between the two allies.

Particular interest is granted to cooperation in matters of defense, security and the fight against terrorism, the release goes on, stressing that President Obama expressed the wish to deepen consultation with HM the King on international topical issues, in particular on Syria, Mali and Palestine, given the Moroccan acquaintance and expertise on various issues.

The US president invited the Sovereign to pay a visit to Washington in the course of 2013. HM the King also invited President Obama to visit Morocco. They both looked forward to this opportunity, the release concludes.

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