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Deputy of the Polisario denounces an open sit-in about the corruption in the “Saharawi National Council”

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PERSISMA – According to the website www.futurosahara.net, Eddih Mohamed Noucha, a deputy known for his anti-corruption tendencies led by the Polisario, organized an open sit-in ,more than nine days, calling for an end to the corruption that affects the leaders of the Polisario, highlighting the need to reveal about 2.5 million Euros in Tindouf camps, during the plenary session devoted to the Polisario’s budget law.

The deputy of the committee of finance and cooperation, Eddih Mohamed Noucha, directed the sit-in in the room of the « Sahraoui national council “.

Eddih Mohamed Noucha has already taken part in several sit-ins to protest against the corruption that reigns among the leaders of the Polisario.

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